Amit Chandra

Amit Chandra-Image

Amit Chandra is the managing director of Bain Capital, Mumbai, and a philanthropist. He is or has been a trustee of the Tata Trusts, a founder/board member of Ashoka University, a board member of Give India and The Akanksha Foundation. Amit is also a member of the advisory boards of Bridgespan India, the Centre for Social Impact & Philantrophy, and Swades Foundation.In Bain Capital, Amit is a part of the firm’s leadership team in Asia. Prior to this, he spent most of his professional career at DSP Merrill Lynch. Amit was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2007 and was on the Asia's Heroes of Philanthropy list by Forbes in 2016, along with his wife Archana.

Articles by Amit Chandra

capacity building illustration_shutterstock

জুন 26, 2019
Why is there a collective silence around capacity building?
Nonprofits work on some of the most challenging social problems, and they need the right talent and tools, along with capital to cover their true costs.
collage to represent organisational capacity

মার্চ 1, 2018
Why funders must invest in organisational capacity
Just as they do in their businesses, philanthropists must be willing to invest in people and processes to help build successful nonprofits.
long empty road with a START sign

সেপ্টেম্বর 7, 2017
Philanthropy begins with you. The best time to start is NOW!
It’s never too early or too little to start giving. Take baby steps, find a cause you are passionate about and set out on your philanthropic journey today.
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