September 3, 2018

Nonprofit flow chart | Will you get funding?

Ever wondered what goes on while you are waiting to hear on your funding request? Here is a handy flow chart to help you get through those long hours, and evaluate whether you are going to succeed this time.
2 min read

Our flow chart ‘Will I get funding?’ struck a chord with some of you, so we decided to delve into the psyche of a funder to find out what they think your chances are to get funding.

nonprofit flow chart


Do your friends think you’re funny? We’re looking for writers for our humour column. Send us your ideas at the e-mail address below.


POV: Dating in the development sector
Responses to dating app prompts and what they actually mean.

The five stages of writing an IDR humour article
Here’s what goes on behind the scenes.

Honest reactions to your appraisal conversation
If only you could say what was really on your mind.