Amalina Kohli Dave

Amalina Kohli Dave-Image

Amalina Kohli Dave is a neurodivergent queer feminist activist. While her day job is book and historical document conservation, she has an academic background in gender and queer theory and is inspired by a disability rights/crip theory paradigm. She has spoken about her lived experiences as a user-survivor at the intersection of queerness and mental illness on various platforms, including in community-led spaces. She is guest faculty at Mariwala Health Initiative's (MHI) course on Queer Affirmative Counseling Practice and is on the advisory board of MHI.

Articles by Amalina Kohli Dave

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জানুয়ারি 27, 2021
Community mental health: Not a silver bullet
When it comes to community mental healthcare, we must be cautious not to replicate the old, top-down, medicalised approach of mental institutions.
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