Ananthapadmanabhan Guruswamy

Ananthapadmanabhan Guruswamy-Image

G. Ananthapadmanabhan (Ananth) works with purpose driven leaders and social sector organisations that aspire to make a difference to the significant issues of our times. He’s the former CEO of Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI). Prior to that, Ananth was the CEO of Amnesty International in India and the International Programme Director at Greenpeace. He started his work life as a teacher in The School – Krishnamurti Foundation India. Ananth graduated in 1988 from IIT Madras with a B Tech in electrical engineering.

Articles by Ananthapadmanabhan Guruswamy

Indian women weaves carpet on a loom at Jaipur Rugs-collaboration

ফেব্রুয়ারি 14, 2019
Collaboration doesn’t work. Here’s why.
Given the size and complexity of the problems the social sector is trying to solve, the need for collaboration is obvious. Why then, are people not collaborating?
Young children in school uniform,praying

সেপ্টেম্বর 27, 2018
A workforce of women with a near-impossible mandate
Though they are the backbone of India’s child development programme, there isn’t enough interest in understanding Anganwadi workers themselves—what drives them, their challenges, and what can be done to fully unleash their potential.
Two girls playing

জুলাই 20, 2017
Services and rights: The twain do meet
The two approaches are not as mutually exclusive as they are made out to be; in fact, the gap is narrowing rapidly because of the way our context has evolved. The focus must be on finding more common ground between the two.
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