Anushka Siddiqui

Anushka Siddiqui-Image

Anushka Siddiqui has worked extensively with nonprofits, philanthropists, and impact investors during her tenure as case team leader at The Bridgespan Group. Prior to this, she worked with the private and public sectors in India as a consultant at McKinsey & Company and Samagra Development Associates. Anushka holds a master’s in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School. She also holds a BA (Hons) in Economics from Delhi University and was part of the Young India Fellowship from Ashoka University.

Articles by Anushka Siddiqui

close up of bamboo scaffolding-grantmaking

সেপ্টেম্বর 22, 2022
Grantmaking must become more inclusive
Traditional funding structures often overlook the unique needs and challenges of smaller nonprofits serving historically marginalised communities. This needs to change.
close up of a sewing machine stitching colourful cloth together-nonprofit

জুলাই 19, 2022
Pitching your true-cost needs to funders
Nonprofits and funders don't always align on the importance of funding organisational development. Understanding funder motivations can help bridge this gap.
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