Hashma Khatun

Hashma Khatun-Image

Hashma Khatun is a ward member from the Tinkoni panchayat, East Champaran district, Bihar. She contested and won the panchayat election in 2016. However, farming continues to remain her main occupation. Even before becoming a ward member, Hashma was passionate about supporting her community. As a ward member, she works towards improving the health services available at the panchayat- and block-level, along with supporting work around pensions, road construction, and sanitation.

Articles by Hashma Khatun

two people sitting in an office and talking-gram panchayat ward member

মে 25, 2020
A day in the life of: A panchayat ward member
In rural Bihar, gram panchayat ward members are going above and beyond the call of duty to keep their village coronavirus-free.
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