Mahima Jaini

Mahima Jaini-Image

Mahima Jaini is an independent marine biologist, currently based in Delhi. For the past few years she worked at Dakshin Foundation as a marine researcher in their biodiversity and resource monitoring programme, with projects in Lakshadweep and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Her past studies have focused on a range of questions regarding fisheries ecology, development, coral reef communities, zooplankton dynamics, and biological recruitment. Mahima has a bachelors in marine science and a masters in marine biology from the University of Maine, USA.

Articles by Mahima Jaini

close up of selling fish-fisheries in India

জুলাই 2, 2020
India’s fisheries: Past, present, and future
COVID-19 has exposed the gaps in our marine fishing industry, while also showing us how to rebuild it.
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