Peter Griffin

Peter Griffin-Image

Peter Griffin is a writer who has worked in advertising, web content, and journalism and is now on a sabbatical to pursue literary and nonprofit projects. He has worked with nonprofits and development organisations professionally and as a volunteer or advisor, and has covered them as a journalist.

Articles by Peter Griffin

a dog wearing two hearts on its collar-nonprofit humour

ফেব্রুয়ারি 19, 2024
Nonprofit Valentines
Who needs a pick-up line when you can send a poem?
A dog holding love letters_nonprofit humour

জানুয়ারি 8, 2024
A new year’s love letter
Start the new year off with a sweet note, and who knows, maybe that last tranche of funding will come through in time.
A frog offering a bouquet to another-nonprofit humour

ফেব্রুয়ারি 14, 2023
Poetry for your nonprofit valentine
Ten quatrains to make your social sector crush swoon this Valentine's Day.
See no evil, hear no evil, tweet no evil

নভেম্বর 30, 2020
“See no evil, hear no evil, tweet no evil”
Fourteen famous proverbs, rewritten for nonprofit life.
All's fair in love and fundraising

সেপ্টেম্বর 28, 2020
“All’s fair in love and fundraising”
Fifteen famous proverbs, rewritten for nonprofit life.
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