Prabhir Correa

Prabhir Correa-Image

Prabhir Correa manages the philanthropy and impact investing advisory vertical at Waterfield Advisors. Prior to this, Prabhir was part of the founding team that set up the Great Eastern CSR Foundation where he developed and managed the foundation’s various CSR projects. Having started his career at the Centre for Environmental Research and Education, his experience spans the nonprofit and CSR spectrum. Prabhir has an MSc in environmental science from the University of Auckland and a BSc in biodiversity management from Unitec, New Zealand.

Articles by Prabhir Correa

lifesaver in a swimming pool_pixabay

নভেম্বর 25, 2020
Surviving a leadership transition
Succession planning in the social sector can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.
man cycling on open road

মে 9, 2017
Listen to nonprofits
Starting CSR from scratch can be challenging, especially when you have more questions than answers. In this piece, Great Eastern Shipping documents its giving philosophy, lessons, hits and misses while giving through CSR.
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