Gokulananda Nandan

Gokulananda Nandan-Image

Gokulananda Nandan is an intern with IndiaSpend. He has studied journalism and mass communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with a concentration in social justice, international reporting, and investigative journalism. His articles and data visualization works have been published in IndiaSpend, Madison Commons, Badger Herald, and La Comunidad News. Gokulnanda is also a trained Spanish language teacher and is currently teaching at Step by Step school, Noida.

Articles by Gokulananda Nandan

A-man-getting-his-medical-check-up-Ayushman Bharat

সেপ্টেম্বর 10, 2021
What the numbers say about the performance of Ayushman Bharat
Despite its promise of universal healthcare for Indians, the scheme has been unable to provide quality health services to eligible patients and protect them from financial hardship.
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