Seema Nair

Seema Nair-Image

Seema Nair is trained as a journalist and is interested in exploring how all things are connected and relate to the whole. Among other things, she currently consults with The Fund for Global Human Rights and other organisations.

Articles by Seema Nair

Group of performers of the Marathi comedy show, Kay Boltay, in front of an audience. The group is made up of men and women. Nonprofits often fund arts as drivers of social change, adding predetermined meanings to the performance. This Marathi comedy programme sought to be different.

আগস্ট 26, 2021
Art for social change: To what end?
The social sector typically uses art for awareness and behaviour change. Going against the grain, a Marathi comedy show emerges with some valuable lessons.
A construction worker in India - Ajaya Behera, Gram Vikas

এপ্রিল 29, 2020
Making labour systems work
The lockdown has exposed the extreme vulnerability of migrant workers. Could it also help to create a system of labour and profit that is more balanced and equitable?
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