ATE Chandra Foundation

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ATE Chandra Foundation (ATECF) works closely with nonprofits and governments to design and scale solutions that impact the most marginalised populations. They focus on two key areas: (i) social sector capacity building (building the capacity of professionals, organisations, and the ecosystem to create a stronger and more resilient nonprofit sector) and (ii) sustainable rural development (addressing key rural issues and investing in rejuvenation of water bodies and natural farming activities).


an AI generated illustration of a messy desk with a computer on it-data

সেপ্টেম্বর 20, 2024
Case study: Building a robust data management system
Data is an integral resource for nonprofits, yet many struggle with it. Safa India's journey reveals the potential of sound data management and what it takes to develop a system for it.
Raj Mariwala_philanthropy

জুলাই 31, 2024
“You cannot have scale without inclusion”
Raj Mariwala, director of Mariwala Health Initiative, talks about their changing idea of philanthropy and why it is important to build systems for the margins.
coloured pencils against a white background_m&e

মে 9, 2024
Case study: The importance of nonprofit M&E systems
Why are monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks important for grassroots nonprofits? Tapasya's journey presents the critical role they can play in driving impact and growth.
a photograph of Rekha Koita-philanthropist

মার্চ 28, 2024
“A philanthropist’s job is to connect the dots and build synergies”
Rekha Koita, co-founder of Koita Foundation, talks about her journey as a philanthropist and shares her excitement about the future of giving in India.
puzzle pieces against a wall-organisational development

মার্চ 21, 2024
Case study: Organisational development at the grassroots
This case study outlines how instituting formal structures, policies, and processes can influence the operations and impact of a grassroots nonprofit.
An image of Amit Chandra-philanthropist

মার্চ 20, 2024
“As a philanthropist, it is your failures that shape you”
Amit Chandra, co-founder of ATE Chandra Foundation, discusses his life as a philanthropist, speaks about his values and anxieties, and shares some lessons for his peers.
plastic figures against a white backdrop_scale

মার্চ 7, 2024
Case study: To scale or not to scale?
When is a grassroots nonprofit ready to scale? And how can it effectively build capacities to achieve this? A closer look at QUEST's growth reveals more.
lego blocks and org values--talent management

মে 4, 2023
Case study: Getting nonprofit talent management right
Can a nonprofit build a strong team culture when strapped for resources? Arpan's talent management practices present a way forward.
gears on a yellow background_nonprofit donors

মার্চ 31, 2023
Case study: Funded today, funders tomorrow?
How can those who benefit from a nonprofit’s programmes drive its long-term funding? A closer look at FFE's alumni engagement efforts reveals more.
colourful lego blocks -- scaling nonprofit impact

ডিসেম্বর 13, 2022
Case study: Scaling impact with an external consultant
How can bringing on an external consultant help scale a nonprofit's impact? This case study reveals what nonprofits and funders should consider.
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