January 25, 2021

Spotted: Nonprofit CEO at Republic Day parade

What would the annual Republic Day festivities look like, from the perspective of the CEO of a nonprofit?
2 min read

1. When you climb the corporate ladder and emerge victorious (with enough of your soul left intact for you to join the social sector)
Man standing on ladder on a bike-Republic Day

2. When you look at your annual budget and don’t want to face your donors

3. Your department heads when you tell them that they need to stop squabbling and work together if they want a proper off-site trip this year

4. When you have the solution, but you haven’t zeroed in on the problem as yet

5. When you practice your power pose just to feel a sense of achievement (that no amount of grant proposals and meeting targets will achieve)

Ayesha Marfatia
Ayesha Marfatia is a communications associate at the Good Food Institute India, a nonprofit working to build the alternative protein ecosystem in India. She has previously worked as a consultant for Eco Femme, and as an editorial associate at India Development Review, where in addition to writing and editing, she also worked on the podcast 'On the Contrary' hosted by Arun Maira. Ayesha's work has been featured in The Wire, Scroll, and Quartz India. She holds a BA from St Xavier’s College, Mumbai.

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