July 24, 2023

Nonprofit jokes that are bad (for good)

Who doesn’t like a good dad joke?

2 min read

Whole Whale gathered a list of nonprofit dad jokes, and we’ve chosen our favourite ones for you. If you’d like to read all of them, check out the original compilation.


Q: Why don’t donors trust ladder-up donation messages?

A: They are always up to something.


Q: How often do pool lifeguards donate to charity?

A: It deep-ends.


Q: Why did Duracell donate batteries for their matching gift program?

A: They were free of charge.


Q: How do you organize a fundraiser for the Earth?

A: You plan-et.


Q: Why is Cinderella so bad at organizing fundraising events?

A: She’s always running away from the ball.


Q: What did the beekeeper say to the fundraising ask?

A: “May-bee.”


Q: Why did the clown donate his salary?

A: It was a nice jester.


Q: Why didn’t the Invisible Man donate?

A: He couldn’t see himself doing it.

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George Weiner-Image
George Weiner

George is the founder and CEO of Whole Whale, a digital agency that leverages data and tech to increase the impact of nonprofits. He is also the co-founder of Power Poetry.