Jayant Rastogi

Jayant Rastogi-Image

Jayant Rastogi joined Magic Bus as Chief Executive Officer, India in September 2016. Recently, he was elevated as the global CEO. Jayant comes with more than 25 years of corporate experience and was previously the CEO of Motorola Solutions South Asia and has been in leadership positions for the last 15 years. After Motorola, he had a stint as an investor and entrepreneur co-founding two technology-led ventures—a social venture providing affordable healthcare for the less privileged, and an aggregator platform for commercial transportation.

Articles by Jayant Rastogi

leaves changing colour-change management

ডিসেম্বর 18, 2019
How to successfully navigate organisational change
Periods of organisational change are never easy. Here are some things nonprofit leaders can expect and steps they can take to make the process more effective.
Magic bus teacher sitting with students near a tree - corporates

মার্চ 13, 2019
What corporates can learn from nonprofits
Nonprofits are often expected to be more business-like in their operations, but corporates also stand to learn a lot from them. 
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