Kurt Peleman

Kurt Peleman-Image

Kurt Peleman has worked for and with large ’nonprofits (Médecins Sans Frontières and the United Nations), small nonprofits and innovative social entrepreneurs (Ashoka), foundations (Co-Impact), local government (the city of Antwerp), a network of European venture philanthropists and impact investors (EVPA), and a community of philanthropic families (Synergos’ Global Philanthropist Circle). He has taken on positions as executive director, strategy consultant, and board member. He has also launched a number of nonprofit initiatives. Kurt has experience working in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Articles by Kurt Peleman

an abstract drawing with pink, blue, green, and purple shapes--transforming social impact learning

মে 22, 2024
Transforming how we learn: What could this mean for social impact?
A glimpse at the lessons that emerged while designing a programme for social impact leaders in the Global South.
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