Nathanial Matthews

Nathanial Matthews-Image

Nathanial Matthews is CEO at the Global Resilience Partnership. He has over 20 years of experience identifying, managing, and scaling hundreds of resilience and adaptation projects and programs in partnership with governments, nonprofits, communities, and the private sector across more than 30 countries. Nate holds a PhD in geography, is a visiting professor at King’s College London, and has previously worked in leadership roles with the CGIAR, UNEP, the International WaterCentre, and in nonprofits as well as in the private sector.

Articles by Nathanial Matthews

rural women making a solar energy machine-mitigation

অক্টোবর 19, 2023
Climate action: How to put communities first
A top-down approach to climate change programmes often ignores the needs of the marginalised. Here's how locally led adaptation, based on principles of accountability and community, can help fix this.
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