Pavithran M M

Pavithran M M-Image

Pavithran is affiliated with Dakshin Foundation and works with small-scale fishing communities on the Palk Bay coast. He has a master’s degree in social work from Pondicherry University. He is passionate about environmental studies with a focus on human–wildlife interactions, indigenous cultures and practices, and traditional ecological knowledge of communities.

Areas of expertise

Environment, human–wildlife interactions, indigenous cultures and practices, traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of communities

Articles by Pavithran M M

a person wearing a tiger costume sitting by a bonfire--irula tribe

জানুয়ারি 22, 2025
Photo essay: An age-old play about the Irula people’s bond with nature
Doddu Aatam (Gaur Play), a traditional performance of the Irula community living in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, teaches co-existence between humans and nature.
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