Priya Krishnamurthy

Priya Krishnamurthy-Image

Priya Krishnamurthy co-founder and CEO at Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness (CMCA).  She has also served as a board member at the organisation. Priya is interested in education for democratic citizenship among the youth, and has a background in literature, psychology, and management.

Areas of expertise

Citizenship education, content development, programme design and innovation, programme implementation, children and youth development

Currently working at

Children's Movement for Civic Awareness (CMCA)

Articles by Priya Krishnamurthy

a girl speaking on a mic in a gram sabha-makkala gram sabhas

আগস্ট 7, 2024
Towards child-responsive local governance
Karnataka's makkala grama sabhas play an important role in inducting children into the democratic process. Here's what they need to function more effectively.
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