Satender Rana

Satender Rana-Image

Satender Rana joined the Knowledge and Research Centre at ISDM after completing an MSc in Development Management (Applied Development Economics) from London School of Economics. Satender has worked with the World Bank, UNDP, International Rice Research Institute, Ministry of Rural Development, National Thermal Power Corporation, and Sparsh. He founded Devnomica, a development research and consultancy company, to enable companies, governments, and SPOs in making evidence-informed policy decisions to create positive social impact.

Areas of expertise

Development Studies; Development Management; Development Economics; Economics; Quantitative Research

Articles by Satender Rana

Jenga game wooden pieces lying on the table_people centric

আগস্ট 25, 2023
Building a people-centric organisation
Steps your nonprofit can follow today.
A stack of lego blocks_organisational culture

মার্চ 9, 2023
How does organisational culture affect talent retention?
A study by ISDM and Ashoka University's CSIP shows that social purpose organisations with a people-centric culture and collaborative work atmosphere are better positioned to attract and retain talent.
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