Shantha Venugopal

Shantha Venugopal-Image

Shantha Venugopal is a research associate at Transitions Research, Goa. Her research interests include equitable development policy and local governance in India. Prior to this, she has assisted in research on agricultural initiatives in rural Bihar for MIT’s Development Lab. She has also worked for Dr Vikrom Mathur, studying climate justice, data justice, and privacy issues. Shantha is an Albright Fellow '23 and holds a bachelor's degree in international relations from Wellesley College, Boston.

Articles by Shantha Venugopal

barefoot engineer repairing solar panel in ajmer, rajasthan--energy transition

মার্চ 15, 2024
India’s energy transition must prioritise social justice
Solar energy parks are at the forefront of India's energy transition. However, these large infrastructure projects could deepen existing inequalities.
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