Shruti Sinha

Shruti Sinha-Image

Shruti Sinha leads policy and advocacy work at Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group, with a focus on centring the voices of those most impacted by climate change and environmental pollution. She has been a LAMP Fellow and has worked on key legislations. Shruti has a double degree in international affairs and world history from Columbia University and London School of Economics.

Areas of expertise

Policy and Advocacy (Gender, Climate Change, Environment)

Articles by Shruti Sinha

aerial view of city buildings with air pollution_air quality

আগস্ট 18, 2023
Combating the effects of poor air quality on outdoor workers
Security guards, safai karamcharis, and waste pickers who spend a majority of their work hours outdoors are at a higher risk of lung diseases. Here’s how this can be addressed.
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