Shuchi Vora

Shuchi Vora-Image

Shuchi Vora is the Resilience Evidence Coalition Lead at the Global Resilience Partnership. She has a decade of work experience in resilience programming where she has set up multi-stakeholder platforms, facilitated transdisciplinary research through knowledge brokering tools, and implemented locally led adaptation projects in urban and rural contexts in South Asia and East Africa. She has previously worked with The Nature Conservancy and WWF and has degrees from University of Oxford and Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai.

Articles by Shuchi Vora

rural women making a solar energy machine-mitigation

অক্টোবর 19, 2023
Climate action: How to put communities first
A top-down approach to climate change programmes often ignores the needs of the marginalised. Here's how locally led adaptation, based on principles of accountability and community, can help fix this.
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