Sidharth Bhatt

Sidharth Bhatt-Image

Sidharth Bhatt is an editorial associate at IDR Hindi. He spent seven years in the machine manufacturing and service industry before transitioning to his role as a Hindi editor at Youth Ki Awaaz, where he spent more than two years refining his journalism and advocacy skills. Following this, Sidharth dedicated five years to grassroots activism and community development with SRUTI, working alongside organisations across 15 states.

Articles by Sidharth Bhatt

A group of people from rural India sitting on the floor in a circle_grassroots organisations

ডিসেম্বর 3, 2024
Lessons for building economic self-reliance in jan sangathans
Grassroots organisations are the backbone of social change in India. Here’s how they can sustain their efforts while remaining community-centric and economically self-reliant.
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