Sucharita Iyer

Sucharita Iyer-Image

Sucharita Iyer is a researcher and anthropologist based in Mumbai, India. She is interested in issues relating to young people's access to sexual and reproductive health and rights. She has previously worked at Dasra, with the 10to19: Dasra Adolescents Collaborative. There, she conducted research on youth issues and managed the 10to19 Community of Practice, a national body of youth-focused nonprofits. She holds a master's degree in socio-cultural anthropology from the University of Amsterdam.

Articles by Sucharita Iyer

Awards for good colleagues-three trophies next to each other

আগস্ট 9, 2021
Awards for good colleagues
Here are some awards to recognise your colleagues for doing the bare minimum.
young girl standing- pc Sanlaap

নভেম্বর 5, 2020
How did young people access care during the lockdown?
One hundred and eleven youth-serving organisations in India shared their experiences with reported health-related concerns and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.
a girl standing in a room looking out of the window-backlash-Picture courtesy: Dasra

জুলাই 8, 2020
Backlash: Tackling barriers to adolescent empowerment
Organisations that work to address gender discrimination also face resistance from within the communities. What kind of engagement can help get past it?
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