Dr Vandana Nadig Nair

Dr Vandana Nadig Nair-Image

Dr Vandana Nair is founder-director at Phicus Social Solutions, which focuses on capacity building of key change agents in the social sector to amplify social impact. She works closely with heads of social impact organisations in charting their growth roadmap, as well as with heads of foundations and CSR teams. She also drives the Social Innovation Labs practice in Phicus. Vandana has 26 years of work experience across the corporate and social sectors, having worked with Hindustan Unilever and Torry Harris Business Solutions before setting up CoCoon Consulting. She has also co-founded ElderAid Wellness Pvt. Ltd, a social enterprise that provides at-home services to senior citizens in Bangalore. Vandana holds a PhD in industrial/ organisational psychology from Central Michigan University.

Articles by Dr Vandana Nadig Nair

Leadership Building Laying Bricks

February 13, 2018
Lessons in leadership building
Both nonprofits and funders have a role to play in creating and nurturing the right kind of talent required for the social sector to grow.
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