Kartavi Satyarthi

Kartavi Satyarthi-Image

Kartavi Satyarthi is a senior resident fellow at Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy. She routinely works on projects involving research and drafting assistance to various ministries under the Government of India. She has previously served as a law researcher at the Delhi High Court, where she provided legal research assistance on a variety of cases including service and labour laws, land and property laws, constitutional law, and tax laws. She completed her BSc LLB from National Law University, Jodhpur, in 2018 and LLM from National University of Singapore in 2022.

Areas of expertise

Law, family law, gender and sexuality, land reforms, tech law

Articles by Kartavi Satyarthi

geometric pattern in blue green and red and orange_family law

July 26, 2024
Towards a gender-just and queer-inclusive family law
Indian family laws can disadvantage women and queer individuals. Here's how we can think of a more inclusive family law.
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