April 6, 2020

Being the office kid: A superhero story

The journey you go through as the youngest person in an organisation, expressed through Marvel characters.

2 min read
1. How your colleagues see you when they find out that age-wise, you’re closer to their children than you are to them.

GIF courtesy: Giphy

2. Day two, and your manager asks you to take over the organisation’s social media because you “get it” (even though your role is that of a data analyst).

GIF courtesy: Giphy

Related article: 9 superpowers you wish you had at a development conference

3. You’re appointed DJ at office gatherings, and you painstakingly curate a playlist you think they’ll enjoy. But they never do. Unless it has at least one Beatles song.

GIF courtesy: Giphy

4. It’s time for office drinks again, but of course ‘the kid’ doesn’t pay.

GIF courtesy: Giphy

5. Your explanation when your colleagues gasp at how you took their old, boring graphs and made funky infographics out of them.

GIF courtesy: Giphy

Related article: If your internship had a Bollywood background score

6. Your colleagues don’t relate to any of your Marvel or The Office references, but the moment you talk about F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

GIF courtesy: Giphy

7. It’ snack time, and you offer to make a vada pao run, but your colleagues insist on sharing their freshly cut fruits and salads with you.

GIF courtesy: Giphy

8. Your boss called something ‘sick’—your millenial lingo has finally slipped into their vocabulary!

GIF courtesy: Giphy

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Krishna Kejriwal-Image
Krishna Kejriwal

Krishna is an intern at IDR. She has a bachelor's and a master's degree in economics, both from the University of Warwick, UK. Prior to this, she interned at Ambit Capital and UTSAH.