Vipul Gupta

Vipul Gupta-Image

Vipul Gupta is the founder and executive director at Earth Focus, building on more than 40 years of experience in the Central Indian landscape. Through extensive engagement with local communities, civil society organisations, government agencies, and local businesses in Central India, he recognised the need to bridge the gaps between funding, data and research, and local practitioners. This realisation led to the birth of Earth Focus Foundation’s bottom-up, in-depth approach. Vipul works to solve development challenges through a community-driven approach that creates resilient, long-lasting solutions.

Areas of expertise

Education, Nature based Livelihoods, Tribal Communities, Agroforestry, Millets

Currently working at

Vipul Gupta is the Executive Director of Earth Focus, building on over 40 years of experience in the Central Indian landscape. Prior to Earth Focus, Vipul spent three decades building teams and organisations in the corporate sector, in the realm of manufacturing and distribution. In parallel, Vipul’s philanthropic journey spans over two decades on girl child education across the country, with a focus on central India. Bringing his business expertise to a new life in the non-profit sector, Vipul works to solve development challenges through a community-driven approach that creates resilient, long-lasting solutions. Through extensive engagement with local communities, civil society organisations, government agencies, and local businesses in Central India, he realised the need to connect the gaps between funding, data and research, and local practitioners - which led to the birth of Earth Focus Foundation’s bottom-up, in-depth approach. Outside of Earth Focus, he also mentors small businesses and individuals on management and strategy. He plays a strategic advisor role at Nature in Focus, a portal on nature, wildlife and conservation.

Articles by Vipul Gupta

Savanti Bai with her sickle, harvesting kodo millets. The small mounds dotting the field are freshly cut kodo, ready to be tied and carried away.

June 18, 2024
Photo essay: What stands in the way of India’s millet revolution?
Despite strong policy signals, millet farmers lack the necessary infrastructure and support to address the challenges faced in harvesting, processing, and storing the grains.
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