1. Not a Wordle, but the number of women speakers in this two-day virtual conference
2. Not a Wordle, but the number of days off I’ve had this month

3. Not a Wordle, but the proportion of Indians who can afford to spend more than INR 8500 a month

4. Not a Wordle, but my will to attend an 8.30 AM call

5. Not a Wordle, but the number of people who respond when you ask a question on Zoom

6. Not a Wordle, but trying to find an overlapping meeting slot in everyone’s calendars

7. Not a Wordle, but the contribution of the top 1 percent of the population to carbon emissions vs that of the bottom 50 percent

8. Not a Wordle, but the number of times a month I think about quitting my job and moving to a small town with my dog

9. Not a Wordle, but the number of days I’m supposed to water my plant

10. Not a Wordle, but the number of days I actually water my plant