August 31, 2020

Are your pandemic-induced breakdowns the same as these chefs’?

It's possible.
2 min read
1. Trying to take care of your mental health while also keeping up with the latest baking trends

I've cried over cake, I have shouted at pie

2. Presenting the research deck you put together at the last minute to your boss

3. Looking at your collection of Maggi noodles, Koka noodles, and Wai Wai noodles, to decide what tonight’s dinner will be

4. The first time you finish everything on your to-do list before the weekend arrives

5. Explaining your weekly ‘office-housework-exercise’ routine to your therapist

6. Sitting down to your favourite meal while reading the news

7.  When you successfully finish watching the entire season of a new show in one sitting, despite your friends telling you it wasn’t possible
8. Interpreting everything you read as permission to take a nap, instead of completing the task at hand

9. You to yourself, when the milk you were boiling for chai spills over
10. When you find yourself in a downward spiral for no apparent reason, only to find that your horoscope predicted it
India Development Review
India Development Review (IDR) is India’s first independent online media platform for leaders in the development community. Our mission is to advance knowledge on social impact in India. We publish ideas, opinion, analysis, and lessons from real-world practice.

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