When a funder asks for ‘better pictures’ of your programme to put on their website, because the ‘kids don’t look poor enough’ in the ones you sent.

When your boss takes credit for your work. Again.

When another nonprofit that does the same work as yours lands that funding opportunity that you’ve unsuccessfully applied to for three years in a row.

When a board member keeps hinting that you should bring their nephew who has a PhD in art history on as a consultant for your next RCT, because ‘he did research for his PhD’.

Your funder’s reaction when you tell them that you won’t be able to scale your programme from 3 districts to 76 districts in 4 months.

When your CSR funder calls you out for underspending their grant by INR 6,537 and tells you that they will need a letter from your auditor to explain why this has happened.

Every time you see someone writing paragraphs of appreciation for themselves on LinkedIn.

When you’ve been part of a panel discussion for 45 minutes and still haven’t had a chance to speak because there are six other panelists and the moderator is still going through a ‘quick round of introductions’.