
Insights, best practices and the latest research on what works and what needs to change across sectors including agriculture, education, climate change, livelihoods, and public health.

A group of women raising their hands in protest_ecofeminism

Where feminism and the environmental movement intersect
Women’s demands for gender justice intersects with the climate crisis in many ways, yet they are left out of developmental decision-making. This needs to change.
by Jashvitha Dhagey | 8 min read


a wild horse in a vast plain-conservation

India needs a biodiversity approach to conservation
Conservation in India needs to move beyond protection of flagship species like tigers and elephants, to include the variety of flora and fauna the country hosts.
Women in a village standing in a group and talking_mental health stigma

From self to society: Navigating silence and stigma around mental health
A day in the life of a community health worker in Dehradun, Uttrakhand, who tackles mental health stigma through trust and support—in her own life and for the people she serves.
A child holding the Indian flag.- Education system

The education sector can build leaders for tomorrow
To facilitate holistic learning, the education sector needs to allow children and educators to be key decision-makers in the system.
by Shaheen Mistri | 6 min read
A man uses industrial machinery to work on a metal part for a vehicle. - Skill development

Skill development in India: The facts behind the figures
A closer look at India's vocational education system reveals a rising reliance on short-term training, poor employment outcomes, and inflated placement statistics which reflect systemic failures.
A group of schoolchildren walk in a line accompanied by their teachers. - Inclusive education

What could a rights-based approach to education look like?
In education, success is often measured through outcomes, which can result in the exclusion of marginalised communities. Here’s how a rights-based approach could help.
by Sonali Saini | 5 min read

Bite-sized stories from the people closest to the action.

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