Rachita Vora

Rachita Vora-Image

Rachita Vora is a co-founder at IDR. From 2017-2024, she oversaw new initiatives, partnerships, the website, and brand at IDR.Previously, she led the Dasra Girl Alliance, an INR 250 crore multi-stakeholder initiative that sought to improve maternal and child health outcomes, and empower adolescent girls in India. She has close to two decades of experience, and has led teams in the areas of financial inclusion, public health and CSR. She has also led functions across strategy, business development, communications and partnerships, and her writing has been featured in the Guardian, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Next Billion and Alliance Magazine.Rachita has an MBA from Judge Business School at Cambridge University and a BA in History from Yale University. She is also a former professional athlete, ranked among India’s top 5 Squash players, and has represented the country at various international championships.

Articles by Rachita Vora

a cartoon of a woman looking at a computer-nonprofit humour

January 15, 2024
This nonprofit life Ep 25 | Annual letter
A cartoon series that captures the joys and travails of life in the development sector.
a cartoon depicting an anthropomorphized FCRA licence in therapy

October 16, 2023
This nonprofit life Ep 24 | Cancel culture
A cartoon series that captures the joys and travails of life in the development sector.
steps in front of the supreme court--maja daruwala

February 15, 2023
Data and democracy
In this interview, Maja Daruwala talks about the role of the India Justice Report in reforming justice delivery at a state level.
One hand passing a baton to another_leadership transition

February 14, 2023
Leadership transition at nonprofits need not be messy
Safeena Husain and Maharshi Vaishnav share their experience with leadership transition at Educate Girls, with tips for organisations looking to do the same.
Image depicting a dachshund exiting a room that says "nonprofit funding pitches" that other animals are lined up outside of-nonprofit humour

October 24, 2022
This nonprofit life Ep 23 | 800 lb Gorilla
Need funding? Too bad.
Caricature of woman trying to buy a "climate lens" from a shop called "Lensmart"-nonprofit life

September 12, 2022
This nonprofit life Ep 22 | A climate lens
We also have rose-tinted lenses, 50 percent off.
Barbed wire_nonprofits

September 9, 2022
Why don’t nonprofits talk about their failures?
A number of risks, both real and perceived, stop nonprofits from talking about failure. Here's how various stakeholders can work together to overcome them.
Image depicting an octopus on the left and a peacock on the right-nonprofit humour

August 1, 2022
This nonprofit life Ep 21 | The animal kingdom of the social sector
In the jungle that is the social sector, here are some species you can catch a glimpse of.
Black and white illustration of Sushma Iyengar against a beige background

May 31, 2022
IDR Interviews | Sushma Iyengar
Recognised for her pathbreaking work in Kutch, Sushma Iyengar shares what led her to focus on the intersection of women’s rights and rural development, and why she believes the scope of women’s empowerment today is limited to economic transformation.
Illustration of a circus act with various performers balancing on top of each other, while the circus master looks on, in front of an audience_ nonprofit humour

May 23, 2022
This nonprofit life Ep 20 | The saddest circus in town
All the world's a stage.
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