1. Get Out
Everything looks great on the surface, but of course it isn’t. Their work-life balance claims are eyewash and you have to notify three different people for every packet of chips you buy for the office pantry.

2. Scream
You have a colleague (or very likely, colleagues) who is very willing to stick a (metaphorical) knife into everyone, but no one knows who it is.

3. Psycho
Your manager seems like a very sweet and mild-mannered person—until they’re not.

4. Darna Mana Hai
There’s so much weird s*** going on you need an anthology to describe the range of your experiences.

5. The Shining
Your organisation’s gone fully remote, which is great, isn’t it? Except that you decided to move to the mountains where you have no friends to keep you company, no colleagues to chat with, and you think you might be losing the plot.

6. Hereditary
Your boss keeps telling you the workplace is like a close-knit family, but it’s starting to feel more like a cult.

7. Night of the Living Dead
Things are so slow you’re starting to feel like a zombie.