July 13, 2020

Nine work from home milestones

It's been more than three months since work from home routines began. How many of these milestones have you reached?
2 min read

Your HR team has finally stopped starting every email with ‘As we adjust to this new normal’.


Nobody bothered to renew your office lease (if it wasn’t already cancelled).


You have one ‘Zoom shirt’—your team has seen you wear it so many times that it has become an internal joke.

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You’ve realised that Google is better at diagnosing your tech issues than the IT department ever was.

Picture courtesy: Raw Pixel


The only ‘fun’ updates you have to share with your team are what TV show you’re currently watching, and that’s okay because it’s the only update they really care about.


Nobody bothers pointing out to the CEO that they are talking with their mic off anymore.

Related article: 12 signs that you’ve adjusted to being in quarantine


You’ve stopped ending check-in calls with your manager by saying ‘see you’.


No one bats an eyelid when your half-dressed children walk past your laptop during video calls.


You have rearranged your bookshelf so that when you’re on a webinar, people see ‘smart looking books’ instead of your Tinkle comic collection.

Are there any milestones that we have missed? Tell us in the comments.

India Development Review
India Development Review (IDR) is India’s first independent online media platform for leaders in the development community. Our mission is to advance knowledge on social impact in India. We publish ideas, opinion, analysis, and lessons from real-world practice.

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