January 24, 2022

POV: Your boss watched too many patriotic movies

Your boss spent the weekend before Republic Day watching all these movies and now you can’t catch a break.
2 min read


You: Look over the company’s diversity targets and realise you are nowhere close to meeting them

Your boss:

Shah Rukh Khan quote from Chak de India-nonprofit humour


You: Are working on ‘V_Final1_Final2_Final Inputs_Final January Version’ of a funder deck, wondering when it will be actually done

Your boss:


You: Ask whether your nonprofit’s founders have an exit plan in place

Your boss:


You: Request to let the team reconsider February field visits in light of Omicron

Your boss:


You: Ask your boss why they joined the social impact space after five years in banking

Your boss:


You: Enquire if your organisation will consider increasing sick leaves or extra paid time off in light of the pandemic

Your boss:


You: Overhear a conversation between your boss and primary funder, in which your boss is explaining the organisation’s impact numbers for the year

Your boss (at the end of the call):


Your boss: Appreciates you for going ‘above and beyond’ on a project

You (having given in and watched all the movies yourself):

India Development Review
India Development Review (IDR) is India’s first independent online media platform for leaders in the development community. Our mission is to advance knowledge on social impact in India. We publish ideas, opinion, analysis, and lessons from real-world practice.

Honest reactions to your appraisal conversation
If only you could say what was really on your mind.

And the award goes to…
Hint: A funding proposal without this is incomplete.

Can you uncover what this nonprofit does?
Have you read their mission statement, goals statement, vision statement, issues statement, and statement of values statement?